Critical vs Arrogant
I have been known to be an overly critical in my arguments, to the point that others dismiss the main idea and felt exposed by the squabble.
I know this because I also have been in their position, facing a person even more “critical” than me. It is hugely reflective moment for me, seeing him ranting about his views so articulately, but cannot help to undermine all his points due to his nitpicks and (sometimes) baseless arguments. I am sure he is simply being critical, but we perceived his stance negatively. We felt like he values his words too highly and cannot understand multiple dimensions of the piece of work we just witnessed. We felt his overwhelming arrogance.
Arrogance is a byproduct of over criticism. Arrogant people tend to focus on what is wrong, while critical people see what is different. When something is different, it is not necessarily lousy, but it doesn’t mean its instantly commendable. It makes the point of view neutral, and the critique is based on empathy.
And so I explore what it means to be critical, the risks of arrogance, and how to have a certain fluidity without sacrificing analytical sharpness.
What is your motivation.
It all started from here. What is your motivation on building a certain argument? Are you trying to prove your point? Are you trying to show your values? Is it vanity? Or you are simply trying to win? True, that the end can justify the means, but the aim is to develop ourselves from process. And if we can control our motivation from something emotional into rather logical, we can set the outcome far earlier.
Its matter of knowledge
Understanding the process behind how things are done is crucial. But you need experience to acquire such understanding. It will take you closer to reality instead of self-perceived ideals, and it will let you exert more empathy. When knowledge finally becomes wisdom, it is when we can use the right amount of criticism in various situation. Intellect gives specific and rigid utility, while wisdom can provide flexibility for the acquired knowledge.
Clouding your vision
Perhaps the biggest drawback to over criticism is that you may fail to see the beauty of a certain subject. Remember, if we are talking about a work, there is always a reason and purpose behind the creation. To be able to empathize with these two aspects can lead to understanding, hence granting us access to the beauty it possess. Our overly critical mind will keep us from focusing on these aspects by letting technicalities and semantics in the way.
The quiet arrogance.
The outspoken tends to fall to the pit of arrogance easier. They proudly boasts everything inside their head and sometimes, put it so eloquently. But when it comes to developing ourselves, to silently maintain our mindsets as we block other point of views is nothing better. The point of valuable conversations and constructive readings is to grow our way of thinking. A closed mind is still a closed mind, whether you speak it or not.
Perhaps there are other reflections for this topic in the future. I may or may not put them in this page, but the point of this exploration is also to remind myself. At this point, there are not many people who read this, so it serves more like a self-note rather than published work. Also, for my limited readers, I would love to hear your take on this topic.